FSC Strategic Services
We provide a full range of services at executive level from financial, risk, and people analysis to strategic planning. Read on to see just some of the specialist areas that we have proven experience in which can help your association.
Are You a Champion or a Follower
Advocacy & Stakeholder Management
Visibility & Engagement
Advocacy, lobbying and networking does not come easily to many people yet is critical to the profile and success of any business or association. CRM of your clients/members forms the foundations of your business. Being visible, being authentic, and across multi-channel media supported by an dynamic web presence builds your organisation's credibility which retains existing and attracts new business.
Smart Cities & IoT
Are You IoT Ready
Having been national Chair of the AUS/NZ Street Lighting and Smart Controls Council advising the Federal Government on setting policy for smart and connected cities, FSC, through IPWEA, has produced the SLSC Industry Roadmap and a suite of Technical Model Specifications for use by every local government council, energy utility, and OEM supplier to accelerate the rollout of smart cities across AUS/NZ.
Strategic Planning
Growing Your Business
We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.
Brand Building, Marketing & Communications
Image and Communication is Everything
Brand reinforcement, brand management, and protecting brand damage are all critical assets of your business. Your staff, your communications, and your plant & equipment personify your brand. Communications, marketing, advocacy and presence underpin every touchpoint of your organisation. We are highly skilled at positioning your organisation across all media with emphasis on social media, digital comms and website integration.
Change Management
Consultation is the Key
Change management is where we balance all foreseeable consequences of organisational change and developing strategies and actions to manage every aspect of physical and human resource which is impacted by change to maximise a positive improvement process and minimising any negatives which may result from the strategic change.
Climate Change
A Stakeholder in the Environment
Any organisation which has not addressed and incorporated climate change mitigation into their forward business plan will struggle. Chain of custody, product stewardship and reliability of energy are intrinsic to successful organisations. Not just an economic imperative, it is increasingly expected and demanded by staff, customers, suppliers and governments. We ensure that climate resilience is incorporated into every aspect of strategic forward decision planning.
Corporate Governance
Boards Set the Direction
As Public Officer, Company Secretary, Authorised Nominating Authority, Registered Officer, and Liquor Licensee, Robert has been personally accountable for a wide variety of statutory corporate reporting and compliance management. Managing Board elections, skills competencies, succession planning, and drafting constitutions requires a highly experienced and seasoned practitioner who can demonstrate success and learnings from failures and convert these learnings into a positive journey to achieve Board certainty, confidence, and aspirations.
Board Reporting
Evidenced-based Decision Making
Having reported to, and worked with Boards for over 30 years, Robert has consistently delivered the high standard that today’s Board Directors require. Sitting as a national Board Director of many companies and industry bodies has ensured that he sees things from both sides. The time, responsibility, and resource pressures on Board Directors dictate that C-suite executives must provide timely, relevant, accurate and easy to understand reports that allow Directors to absorb, digest, and challenge if needed, all reports that make up the Board papers. Evidenced-based decision making by Board Directors not only allows them to fulfil their roles competently but instils confidence and trust for staff in the leadership team and the policy setting directions of the Board.
Long Term Strategic Plan
Where Do You Want To Go
Don't let your business just coast along devoid of goals and aspirations. Whilst creating a vision for the ten-year forward plan can be challenging, without this, it is impossible to set five-year plans to work towards that vision, least of all two-yearly or annual targets that can be measure against. Long-term planning must be supported by the Long-term Financial Plan and Operational or Business plans which are foreseeably achievable and will lay the foundations for the realisation of the long-term vision.
Long Term Financial Plan
Funding Your End Game
Developing a long-term strategic plan is only one part the total overall strategy. The LTSP must be supported by a long-term financial plan. Only when the financial plan is established can the organisation start to address whether the underlying premises and aspirations of the LTSP are likely to be achievable. If both plans and not aligned and integrated, the entire strategic direction will be flawed. The long-term financial plan delivers the ‘how to’ in order to get to where the organisation wants to be in 10 years’ time. Both pans are dynamic and must be revisited regularly.
Organisational Capability
Would You Like Fries With That
Addresses the skillsets and competencies that exist within the business. Examine whether complimentary new product or service lines can be added or if existing products and services can be value added or deleted. This builds not just diversified products and income, but increases customer loyalty, referrals, and repeat business.
Organisational Performance
Any Colour as Long as it's Black
“But we’ve always done it that way!” This is no guarantee that it is ether the right way, or that a better way can’t be found. Organisational performance reviews go to the nub of the issue regarding efficiency and resource optimization. Whether just-in-time stock management or performance management of workers, a fresh review of the organisational operations allows both workers and management to re-assess why things are done the way they are. Whether processes remain relevant, and if so, is there a better way of achieving the same or improved outcomes.
Policy & Procedures
Boundaries to Live By
The guiding principles that support the direction, operations, and performance of every organisation is vested in its policies and procedures. Without a rigorous set of boundaries to guide the organisation, and more importantly its human resources, the organisation becomes shambolic and inconsistent. Policies and the procedures that give effect to those policies must be reviewed at pre-determined intervals to reassess their relevance, currency, and efficacy.
Weathering the Storm
The capacity of organisations to bounce back from, or fend-off, issues that confront and disrupt the normal activities of the business. The greater the degree or resilience a business has, the quicker it adjusts and moves on to embrace or overcome the disrupting factors. Resilience is not just financial strength (though this is important), it goes to the question of attitude, aptitude, and how nimble the organisation is. Is it adaptive to change, agile, and with a flexible and supportive workforce? Are its managers innovators and decision makers or status quo and staid? Building resilience into an organisation also includes its physical resources to ensure that it additional capacity and capability to manage disruption.
Risk Management
Disaster Averted
Risk management in accordance with Australian Standards affords organisations a pre-assessed risk profile of likely scenarios, their impacts and mitigation. By identifying potential risks in advance, prioritising and ascribing risk profiles to them, organisations are able to consider appropriate mitigation strategies away from the pressures of being embroiled in the immediacy of the corrective action.Risk Registers should be reviewed by Audit & Risk Committees on a scheduled basis with recommendations to the Board for their adoption.
Hourly Rates | Project Basis | Day Retainer
Specialist Outsourcing
Scalable assistance on hourly rates, project basis, or on-going one day per week in your office or mine.
FSC works with its clients to ensure that it delivers the best value proposition for your business.